



Check In: 3:00pm
Check Out: 10:00am.

The total number of guests, including the number of adults and children (and pets) must be confirmed in your booking confirmation and may not exceed 12 people.

Pets There is a maximum of two dogs per booking. Please keep pets off the furniture, clean up after your dog, and keep roaming dogs away from the neighbouring properties. Use the hose located at the foot of the porch steps to wash your dog down after the beach. You are responsible for any damage done by your pet; if you are unsure about leaving them alone in a new place please take them with you or keep them in a crate. Cats are not permitted.

Parties The Summer Home is not to be used as a venue to host parties or events with offsite guests.

Smoking This is a nonsmoking home. Smoking is permitted outside only and cigarettes are to be disposed of safely.

Water Sports There is a kayak & canoe for your enjoyment. Please sign the waiver included in the welcome package if you plan on using them - all use of the property and any recreational supplies are at your own risk. 


Payment & Deposits


Your reservation is complete when we receive your booking deposit. Your booking deposit is 10% of the stated booking fee.

  • An email confirmation will be sent to you at the time of deposit payment. This email serves as a confirmation of your booking

  • Full payment of any balance owing is due 14 days before your arrival date.

  • Bookings will be accepted on a first-come basis but priority may be given to returning guests

Payment methods accepted are: cheque, email transfer, or PayPal (add 3% to cover your Paypal transfer fees). H.S.T. 15% is applicable. 


Cancellations & Refunds


Cancellation requests must be submitted by email to bookings@howebaysummerhome.com. Please note that refunds will be processed in the original form of payment.

If a guest wishes to cancel their reservation, the deposit will be refunded as follows:

  • 100% if cancelled 30 days or more prior to the check-in date

  • 50% if cancelled 14 to 30 days prior to the check-in date

  • 0% if cancelled less than 14 days prior to check-in date

COVID-19 Cancellation Policies:

Bookings that need to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 Travel Restrictions that require you to self isolate for 14 days upon entering Canada or upon entering PEI will be refunded 100%. 


We encourage all guests to purchase traveller insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances, accidents, or other issues that may prohibit the guest from travelling or fulfilling rental terms.

We are licensed and certified by P.E.I. Tourism for assurances of quality and guarantees.